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Network stress testing


This guide assumes that:

  • You have a working dogechain network up and running
  • Both your JSON-RPC and GRPC endpoints are reachable


The dogechain Loadbot is a helper utility that is meant to stress test a dogechain network.

Currently, it supports 2 modes:

  • transfer - mode that does stress testing using fund-transfer transactions. [Default].
  • deploy - mode that deploys specified smart contracts with each transaction.

Transfer Mode

The transfer mode assumes that there is a sender account that has initial funds to conduct the loadbot run.

The sender's account address and private key need to be set in the environment variables:

# Example
export LOADBOT_0x9A2E59d06899a383ef47C1Ec265317986D026055=154c4bc0cca942d8a0b49ece04d95c872d8f53d34b8f2ac76253a3700e4f1151

Deploy Mode

The deploy mode conducts contract deployment with each new transaction in the loadbot run. The contract being deployed can be specified using specific flags, or if the contract path is omitted, a default Greeter.sol contract is used instead.


This section covers some basic terminology regarding the loadbot configuration.

  • count - The number of transactions to be submitted in the specified mode
  • tps - The number of transactions that should be submitted to the node per second

Start the loadbot

Transfer CASE

As an example, here is a valid command you can use to run the loadbot using two premined accounts:

dogechain loadbot --jsonrpc --grpc-address --chain-id 568 --gas-price 100000000000 --sender 0x0Ea680527b44D598804c4a85C5d6695d2dd1Ef51 --receiver 0x7680d9649A1F09754e5Be58ed7d49554e82dAB03 --count 5000 --value 0x100 --tps 300

You should get a result similar to this on your terminal :

=====[LOADBOT RUN]=====

Transactions submitted = 5000
Transactions failed = 0

Approximate number of transactions per second = 250

Average transaction turn around = 3.022550s
Fastest transaction turn around = 1.007790s
Slowest transaction turn around = 4.027790s
Total loadbot execution time = 20.863140s

Blocks required = 10

Block #3913 = 47 txns
Block #3914 = 622 txns
Block #3915 = 830 txns
Block #3916 = 325 txns
Block #3917 = 609 txns
Block #3918 = 666 txns
Block #3919 = 627 txns
Block #3920 = 587 txns
Block #3921 = 558 txns
Block #3922 = 129 txns

Deploy CASE

As an example, here is a valid command you can use to run the loadbot using two premined accounts:

dogechain loadbot --mode deploy ---jsonrpc --grpc-address --chain-id 568 --gas-price 100000000000 --sender 0x0Ea680527b44D598804c4a85C5d6695d2dd1Ef51 --receiver 0x7680d9649A1F09754e5Be58ed7d49554e82dAB03 --count 200 --value 0x100 --tps 10

You should get a result similar to this on your terminal :

=====[LOADBOT RUN]=====

Transactions submitted = 200
Transactions failed = 0

Approximate number of transactions per second = 8

Average transaction turn around = 3.010510s
Fastest transaction turn around = 1.003420s
Slowest transaction turn around = 6.014310s
Total loadbot execution time = 23.308750s

Blocks required = 10

Block #84541 = 4 txns
Block #84542 = 21 txns
Block #84543 = 32 txns
Block #84544 = 10 txns
Block #84545 = 17 txns
Block #84546 = 24 txns
Block #84547 = 23 txns
Block #84548 = 14 txns
Block #84549 = 19 txns
Block #84551 = 36 txns