Bridging assets to zkEVM
Users can deposit assets from Ethereum and transact off-chain on Dogechain zkEVM. For moving assets across chains (L1 ↔ Dogechain zkEVM), you will need to use the Dogechain zkEVM Bridge.
Testnet bridge interface:
Step-by-step guide
Follow this step-by-step guide on how to bridge assets from Ethereum to Dogechain zkEVM Mainnet and vice-versa. Or, from an Ethereum testnet to Dogechain zkEVM testnet, and conversely.
Click on the Bridge wallet feature to access the Dogechain zkEVM environment.
Set the amount of tokens to transfer from Ethereum network to Dogechain zkEVM Mainnet (Or, from an Ethereum testnet to Dogechain zkEVM testnet).